Our Current Issue
Even Success Needs A Helping Hand
As a young child, I relied heavily on my family as my mom struggled to raise me due to addiction. When she decided to improve herself, Eagle Nest was there to assist her in obtaining necessary skills needed to successfully re-enter the workforce. The kindness they have shown her has left a lasting impression in my life. In fact, I still have a photo of my mother and Gayle when she graduated the course Eagle Nest offered her. Unfortunately my mother passed when I was only 13 years old and that life-changing event put a lot of anger and resentment in my heart for many years.
When I was a young adult, Eagle Nest further helped when I found myself in a relationship that I no longer wished to be in. Leaving that relationship left me a single mother of two wonderful children. As a single parent and college student who worked full time, life was difficult. I wanted to be a good mother and give my children a positive environment where they could flourish…
Want to hear more of Danielle’s story? Click the button below to read our latest News From The Nest issue.